Please note a full copy of our rules & regulations are kept in the office.
Brief Description of Cemetery Rules and Regulations
These Rules and Regulations are founded solely upon the idea that those who have selected ( and will select) Alexandria Memorial Gardens as the final resting place for their revered dead, will wish to see the preservation, on a perpetual basis, of the quiet, dignified, peaceful, beautiful and inspiring atmosphere that presently prevails. These Rules and Regulations are not designed to unduly restrict, restrain or regiment the rights of anyone in the full enjoyment of Alexandria Memorial Gardens. Accordingly, these uniform, Rules and Regulations have been adopted, will be carefully observed and enforced, and will be changed, or repealed, only if and when the necessity should arise; and such changes (or repeal) will be done only when Kramer Development Co., Inc., as owner, deems such action necessary or desirable, in order to preserve and continue the values above enumerated; and any such changes will only be made as set forth in Section XIV. Alexandria Memorial Gardens may, and it hereby expressly reserves the right, at any time or times, to adopt new Rules and Regulations, or to amend, alter or repeal any rule, regulation, article, section, paragraph or sentence in these Rules and Regulations. Therefore, the following Rules and Regulations are adopted and shall apply, not only to all of the owners of the rights of internment within Alexandria Memorial Gardens, but also to all visitors, employees and any others who may enter the sacred grounds and halls of Alexandria Memorial Gardens. No waiver of any violation of these Rules and Regulations shall operate as a waiver of any subsequent violation of the same rule or regulation or as a waiver of any other rule or regulation, or the violation thereof. Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement of a rule may impose unnecessary hardship. The management therefore, reserves the right, without notice, to make exceptions, suspensions, or modifications in any of these Rules and Regulations when, in its judgment, the same appear advisable; and such temporary exception, suspension or modification shall in no way be constructed as affecting the general application of such rules.
Alexandria Memorial Gardens reserves the right to require all persons entering the cemetery and all persons within the cemetery, at any time and from time to time, to comply with each and every one, and all, of these Rules and Regulations.
Section III page 2-5 : USE OF CEMETERY
(j) No signs, notices or advertisements of any kind shall be placed within the cemetery unless the same are placed by Alexandria Memorial Gardens or with its permission.
(k) No one shall bring into the cemetery such things as food stuffs, soft drinks, dairy products, beer or intoxicating liquors, except as authorized by an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
(l) No boxes, shells, toys, discarded hereunder, and no other articles that are not specifically approved by Alexandria Memorial Gardens shall be brought into or placed within the cemetery.
(m)No Person shall enter or leave the cemetery, except by use if the private entrances furnished by Alexandria Memorial Gardens for the use of the public.
(n) Any unauthorized person who is found within the cemetery after visitation hours will be considered a trespasser, since it will be the policy of Alexandria Memorial Gardens in an effort to prevent pilferage, theft, vandalism and the possible desecration of a memorial, to keep the cemetery closed at a reasonable time each twenty-four hours.
(r) As stated in the preamble hereto, all are reminded that the cemetery, in its entirety, is sacredly dedicated to the burial of the human dead, and that all applicable and prevailing provisions and penalties of the law may be strictly enforced for all violations.
(v) The cemetery shall remain open to the public each day from 8:00 am through sunset; except the office of Alexandria Memorial Gardens which shall be open from 9:00 am through 3:00 pm on weekdays and by appointment on weekends and holidays, all subject to change during certain seasons, in the sole discretion of and as posted by Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
(b) Alexandria Memorial Gardens is not an insure; nor will it be responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to anything that may be placed on or in connection with a memorial, whether the same be placed with or without Alexandria Memorial Gardens’ permission.
(c) Alexandria Memorial Gardens will always respect the private property of the Owner of a memorial within the cemetery an Alexandria Memorial Gardens will, at all times, refrain, as far as possible, from unnecessarily touching or handling the property of others within the cemetery; and all other persons who enter will be expected to do likewise.
(a) Work on interment spaces or memorials shall not be performed except by the employees of Alexandria Memorial Gardens, or under the direction and supervision of Alexandria Memorial Gardens. Alexandria Memorial Gardens may at its sole discretion, perform any work in the cemetery that it deems necessary. All grading, landscape work and improvements of any kind and the care of all interments spaced and memorials shall be done, and all trees, shrubs and plants of any kind shall be planted, trimmed, cut or removed solely by Alexandria Memorial Gardens, its employees, or persons otherwise authorized by it.
(b) All opening and closings of interments spaced, as well as all interments, disinterment, and removals shall be performed by Alexandria Memorial Gardens and its employees or such persons as may otherwise be authorized by it, at the prevailing charges at the time as fixed by Alexandria Memorial Gardens on a uniform basis.
(c) No enclosure or embellishment of any kind, such as a cover, fence, coping, hedge or ditch, shall be permitted around or abutting, in whole or in part, unless approved, in writing, by an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens. The established grade of any lot shall not be altered, in any way, except as approved, in writing, by an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
(e) No person, other than the duly authorized employees of Alexandria Memorial Gardens shall be allowed to perform any work of any kind within the cemetery without the written approval of the proposed plans and specifications covering said work having been submitted to an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens and such work shall not be undertaken until and unless it is authorized, in writing, by an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
(g) No person, other than the duly authorized employees of Alexandria Memorial Gardens, shall pluck, mutilate or destroy any shrub, plant or flower, whether wild of cultivated, in any part of the cemetery.
(h) No Benches, chairs, or trellis shall be brought into the cemetery, except as may be authorized by an Officer, in writing of Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
Section VIII page 9-11: FUNERALS
(f) No burial, interment, entombment or inurnment shall be permitted or memorial placed in or on any property until space, crypt or niche is paid for in full, except by special consent of management in writing in each and every case.
(g) No outside containers shall be installed without the explicit authorization from the Officers.
(j) All cremated remains to be interned in the cemetery plot, for ground burial, shall be placed in a sealed, retrievable container of a type, quality and construction approved by Alexandria Memorial Gardens. The use of paper, cardboard, plastic, or other similar biodegradable materials shall not be permitted.
(k) The scattering of cremated remains is prohibited both on common cemetery property and on grave spaces/interment spaces where interment rights are owned. All cremated remains are to be interred in a retrievable container, crypt, or niche, with complete cemetery records afforded for each inurnment.
(l) All burials and removals must be made at the time and in the manner and subject to the payment of such charges as fixed by Alexandria Memorial Gardens. All charges must be paid twenty-four (24) hours in advanced of the service, or arrangements. Additional charges shall be made on burials occurring other than at authorized hours and for standard rates.
(m)The Officers shall not be held responsible for any order given by telephone, or for any mistake occurring from the want of precise and proper instructions as to the particular space, size and location in the lot where interment is desired.
(a) Alexandria Memorial Gardens recognizes that flowers and plants that will be brought into Alexandria Memorial Gardens from time to time will unquestionably add immeasurably to its beauty. Never less, Alexandria Memorial Gardens recognizes that such flowers and plants eventually wither and die and that potted plants freeze when exposed to the elements in cold weather. It is Alexandria Memorial Gardens’ policy to encourage the custom of placing flowers or small plants in authorized containers and vases, but Alexandria Memorial Gardens reserves the right to have its employees remove and discard such flowers or small plants when they wither, die or freeze.
(b) The Cemetery reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths or other decorations from lots as soon as they become unsightly.
(c) Glass is prohibited at all times. This includes, but not limited to containers, vases, and bottles.
(d) No artificial flowers, artificial plants, artificial wreaths will be permitted except in authorized containers unless it is authorized, in writing, by an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens. Employees of Alexandria Memorial Gardens will remove and discard artificial flowers, plants or wreaths that have faded and/or damaged.
(e) Freshly cut flowers, artificial arrangements, and small potted plants in container or vases may be placed on the floor or in authorized flower holders in the mausoleum and columbarium. If, in Alexandria Memorial Gardens’ judgment any area has become congested with too many plants or flowers, Alexandria Memorial Gardens may at its discretion, remove some of the plants.
(f) No statues of any kind are permitted except those authorized, in writing, by an Officer of Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
(g) No funeral flower stands shall be permitted except at the time of a funeral service and then only in connection with said service. Stands or other holders containing flowers or other decorations in connection with a funeral service or burial will be removed by Alexandria Memorial Gardens’ employees as soon as their contents fade, wither or freeze.
(h) Alexandria Memorial Gardens assumes no responsibility for watering or for caring of plants or flowers.
(i) Items not allowed to be placed on a lot within the Cemetery include, but are not limited to, the following: shepherd’s hooks, standup decorations, coping, curbing, decorative rocks, fencing, hedging, grave mounds, borders or enclosures. No decorations of any type are permitted in trees or cemetery planting.
(j) Flags may be placed on graves on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Flag Day, and Veterans Day. Flags should be kept to 12” by 18” in size or smaller. Flags are subject to removal by cemetery within ten (10) days of the holiday.
(k) The Cemetery shall have the right to remove all objects whose appearance and condition warrant removal and/or violate the Cemetery’s rules and regulations. The Cemetery also will not be liable for any flower or decoration removed or lost by any cause.
Section XI page 12-14 MEMORIAL MARKERS
(a) All permanent grave makers on the grounds shall be of bronze material with a granite foundation. All bronze used in the cemetery must conform to the following minimum specifications:
a. It shall contain not less than 80% copper and 5% tin and note more than 2 ½ % lead, and 5 % zinc; and any and all other elements therein shall not exceed 1% thereof.
(b) No marker shall be removed from the cemetery, unless the written order of the Owner of record be presented at the office of the Secretary of Alexandria Memorial Gardens and permission is granted by Alexandria Memorial Gardens.
(d) Alexandria Memorial Gardens must approve any and all inscriptions, emblems, benches, crypt plates, and/or markers before they are ordered. If a marker, crypt plate, bench, or emblem has not been approved by Alexandria Memorial Gardens, then Alexandria Memorial Gardens has the right to prevent and refuse said marker, crypt plate, bench, or emblem to be set on the grounds and within the cemetery.
(f) If markers, crypt plates, niche plate, or granite bench is purchased elsewhere, memorial dealers and family/lot owners shall be required to furnish the Officers, for approval and acknowledgement with sketch of the proposed memorial, crypt plate, niche plate, or granite bench, specifying size, inscription, quality of stone and the name of the producer furnishing said maker, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench.
(g) Alexandria Memorial Gardens shall have the authority to reject any plan or design for any memorial purchased elsewhere, on account of size, design, inscription, kin or quality of stone is (in the opinion of the Officers) unsuited to the lot, mausoleum or niche on which marker, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench is to be placed.
(h) Cremation benches can only be purchased through the office of Alexandria Memorial Gardens. Cremation benches can only hold two (2) urns for double internment. Alexandria Memorial Gardens will not accept nor allow three (3) urn or four (4) urn cremation benches. A cremation bench purchased through Alexandria Memorial Gardens cannot be placed on a vacant lot.
(i) Alexandria Memorial Gardens reserves the right to charge a design fee for any work done on creating a picture proof of a memorial, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench. This fee is non-refundable. If the family chooses to order through the office of Alexandria Memorial Gardens, said design fee will be deducted from final price of said memorial, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench.
(j) For any memorial, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench purchased from an outside party, other than Alexandria Memorial Gardens, will be charged a setting fee. No outside parties or families will be allowed to set any memorial, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench.
(k) Alexandria Memorial Gardens reserves the right to hold in their possession any memorial, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench from being set, if there is an outstanding balance on said account. All memorial, crypt plate, niche plate or granite bench must be paid in full before they are to be placed on the grounds.
(l) Alexandria Memorial Gardens is not liable for lost, stolen or damaged vases. Alexandria Memorial Gardens may at its sole discretion issue a replacement vase; however if the family is not satisfied with replacement vase a new vase may be purchased at an additional cost.
(m) Officers of Alexandria Memorial Gardens reserves and shall have the right to correct any error that may be made by its employees in the location or placing of a memorial in the cemetery.
Alexandria Memorial Gardens may, and it hereby and herein expressly reserves the right, at any time and from time to time with or without notice to Owners, to repeals, amend, modify, add to, or change, any of the above and foregoing Rules and Regulations, in whole or in part, upon the written authorization of two (2) or more Officers: and, upon doing so, such new Rules and Regulations, or amendment or modification or addition or other change shall be fully binding on a uniform basis upon all Owners.
Effective October 15, 1992, Alexandria Memorial Gardens requires an outside container for all ground burials. A concrete liner is considered a minimum requirement for outside container for traditional ground burial. A Wilbert P400 is the only option and a requirement for a cremation ground burial.